
How To Remove Urine Stains From Underwear

Having children is a please and a joy, just it'due south also messy and frustrating at times.

If you have children, you know the struggle of potty training and kids having accidents.

It seems like every load of laundry when you lot have small children has some urine stain on it, which is always a pain to remove.

Take you always needed to know how to become urine stains out of underwear?

If this sounds like something you take dealt with, make sure to keep reading to notice the nigh effective and efficient methods for getting urine stains out of underwear and keeping your dress looking as good as new.

What Y'all'll Need

Blistering Soda

Blistering soda is truly a miracle worker when it comes to removing stains.

Not just will it help lift the stain from the fabric, merely it will also help remove any odor left backside by the stain.

It'due south ever good to keep blistering soda on hand, and if you lot accept kids, you lot need a lot.

To order baking soda in majority click here.


Distilled white vinegar is a nifty cleaning tool for many different kinds of stains.

It is a great solution to go on around the house at all times, as yous never know when y'all will need it.

I plant this Goya White Vinegar brand on Amazon that gets peachy reviews and works really well.

Cold H2o

Cold water will exist necessary to soak and rinse the underwear during the cleaning procedure.

Do not utilise warm water as it will set the stain further into the fibers of the fabric, making the stain harder to remove.


You lot tin employ any scrubber to clean the stain as long as it will non impairment the textile of the underwear.

A toothbrush, sponge, or rag would all be proficient choices to scrub the stain.

Protective Gloves

Brand sure to ever protect yourself when working with bodily fluids and wear protective gloves.

These Cleanbear Synthetic Safety cleaning gloves are a favorite of mine and become great reviews on Amazon.

Bleach ( In Extreme Cases)

Merely in farthermost cases where the urine stain has been on the underwear for some time and has been through the launder several times will bleach be used.

A strong bleach, such every bit Clorox Performance Bleach with Cloromax, should exist used when this happens.

And that'south all you demand.

Compile the in a higher place items and continue reading for detailed steps on how to remove urine stains from underwear.

Step By Step Instructions For How To Get Urine Stains Out Of Underwear

#1. Employ Baking Soda to the Stain

Urine stains are always easier to remove when they are fresh, so try to become to the stain as before long equally possible.

Embrace the stain in a sparse layer of baking soda and let it sit for 10-15 minutes.

The blistering soda should soak up a proficient amount of the urine.

Brush off the baking soda and repeat 2-3 times until information technology has all been soaked upwards.

Rinse the underwear in cool water to ensure that as much of the stain has been removed every bit possible.

It is important to use cool water for all of these steps to ensure that the stain doesn't get pushed into the fabric, making it harder to remove.

#2. Soak the Underwear in Cold H2o

Once you have brushed off all of the baking soda and the stain has been soaked upward, fill a sink or other basin with absurd h2o and a cup of vinegar.

Soak the underwear in the h2o and vinegar mixture for upwardly to an hour.

The vinegar will help break the stain down fifty-fifty further, and it should be completely removed by the fourth dimension yous take it out.

Scrub the stain under the cool water until you lot are sure it has been removed.

Rinse the underwear in more cool water and go out them out to dry.

Do not put them in the dryer only yet.

#iii. Wash the Underwear

After the underwear has dried and the stain has been completely removed, wash the underwear in the washer on a common cold setting.

It is important to proceed using cool water until you lot are certain the stain has been completely removed.

In one case they are done being washed, leave them out to dry again.

Using the dryer at this point is not a skilful idea, as it tin set up the stain into the textile without you even knowing it's in that location.

#4. Inspect & Repeat

Once the underwear has been completely dried, you can do a final inspection to brand sure the urine stain has been removed from the fabric of the underwear.

If the stain is gone and the underwear looks and smells clean, they can be washed and dried like normal.

If the stain still remains, echo the above steps as many times equally necessary to make certain that the stain is completely gone.

If you lot accept a stain that is proving harder to remove, you can employ bleach on it, as long as the underwear is white.

Bleach will discolor annihilation other than white underwear.

In well-nigh cases, nevertheless, y'all volition non need to worry almost bleach equally the vinegar, and baking soda will exist more enough to go the urine stain out of the underwear.

Commonly Asked Questions

Can old urine stains be removed using the methods higher up?

Though it will be more difficult to remove a stain that is dry or set into the fabric of the underwear, it is yet possible to completely remove it.

Follow the instructions above and echo equally many times as necessary to remove the stain.

Be warned, however, that yous may not be able to completely remove whatsoever discoloration that has been left behind.

If I take already done and dried the urine-stained underwear, can I still remove the stain with these methods?

Fresh stains are the easiest to remove, so a stain that has been washed and dried will be very hard to remove.

Utilize the above methods to try to remove the stain, but for a stain that has been washed and dried, information technology may exist easiest to apply bleach on the underwear to get them clean again.

Just employ bleach on white underwear as it will discolor everything else.


Finding urine-stained underwear in the dirty laundry or dealing with a kid who has had an accident is never fun.

Getting urine stains out of underwear can exist a catchy process, but it can be done with ease.

Cleaning a fresh stain is much easier than cleaning an old stain, so try to get to the stain as soon as possible.

It will salve you fourth dimension and headaches.

This commodity has officially fabricated you an expert on how to become urine stains out of underwear, and then leave and conquer all the stains you may come beyond.


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