
How To Repair An Old Fence

Questioning whether to repair or replace your debate? Many homeowners start out by weighing the costs. Repainting or repairing a debate is cheaper and easier than an all-out replacement—at least in the brusk term. Sometimes, replacing your fence is the better choice. Maybe your fence has worn out its welcome and will continue to need extensive repairs, or possibly you'd like to update the style or placement of your contend.

In this commodity, we'll discuss tips for evaluating your fence's truthful condition. You tin can then make an educated decision whether to repair your own fence, hire a professional to repair your fence, or choose a replacement fence.

Fence problems with easy repairs

Some fence bug tin exist fixed with simple repairs. Let's review common issues with wood, vinyl, and aluminum fences that aren't signs you need to supercede your contend.

Common wood fence problems

Wood fences may need panels replaced if they are damaged.Every bit a natural material, forest tin can exist a lilliputian more than impairment-decumbent than synthetic materials. The elements tin can take their cost, and insects, moisture, and other ecology factors may impact your wood fence. Signs your fence need repair include discoloration, warping, or splintering. If you notice these things, yous should carefully inspect your fence to determine the cause of damage and if you can mitigate it with a solution like redirecting pooling water or exterminating wood destroying insects.

To repair your wood contend, you can patch small-scale holes and cracks with forest filler or putty. For warping or more severe damage, it'southward best to supersede the affected boards or rails.

The downside of both of these repairs is that they will exist visible, at least for a while. Wood filler tin be concealed if yous paint your argue but volition otherwise testify forever. A new board will likely look different in color but may weather in time to a similar patina equally your onetime fence. If your fence will be painted after repair, neither of these options have drawbacks!

Common vinyl fence problems

While vinyl is a pretty maintenance-free contend option, some damage can occur, especially if your fence is subjected to the weight of heavy winter snows or hitting by a vehicle, large slice of droppings, or equipment. The biggest threat to vinyl is great.

To repair your vinyl fence, yous have just one choice. If yous come across a fissure in one of your vinyl debate panels, it'south all-time to supersede the affected area. Depending on your fence, this could exist an individual vinyl "picket," or might exist an unabridged department of contend panel between posts.

Common aluminum contend problems

Repairing an aluminum fence may require welding.Aluminum fences are very durable, just parts may need occasional replacement or attention. Like with vinyl, an accident may damage your aluminum argue. Shifting soil can eventually loosen debate posts besides.

A loose mail service due to soil erosion tin can be steadied with some backfill of either soil or gravel. To repair damage to an aluminum fence, you may demand to replace a department or an individual rail. Some aluminum contend repairs require the skill of a welder.

To steady a loose rail, a t-brace can brand the area stronger and more than functional. Be mindful of the color of the replacement part beingness used if you don't plan to paint your fence after repair.

When it's better to supersede your fence instead of repairing

A fence in need of repair.If you discover any of these repair options to be as well daunting, you lot can e'er opt for a replacement. In that location are times when replacing a debate makes more sense because amounts of the time, money, and try required to repair it are too great. If your fence needs a major overhaul, here'southward a practiced rule of thumb: if you lot have to supervene upon more than twenty% of the fence panels or pickets, information technology's fourth dimension to replace the unabridged debate.

Keep in mind that replacing fence posts is also more difficult and expensive than replacing pickets or panels because the posts demand to exist dug out of the ground, and often, they're mounted in cement. If y'all take several fence posts in demand of replacement, consider an unabridged debate overhaul. If your debate is very old, it may have simply worn out its lifespan, and replacement parts may no longer be available from the manufacturer. With proper maintenance, your fence should be expected to last anywhere between twenty to 50 years, depending on the material. If your debate is older than you are, it's probably time for a new ane!

Damage isn't the merely reason to supersede your fence. If your debate doesn't provide plenty privacy, isn't loftier enough to terminate your dog from escaping, or otherwise falls short of a necessary function, information technology'south time for a new one! Wanting to change the mode of your debate is also a perfectly valid reason to get some other. While replacing a argue is costlier than repairing or repainting, it's sometimes worth it to become the fence yous really want.

Maintain your argue and so you don't need to replace it!

Decide whether it's best to repaint or replace your fence.You should always stick to the recommended maintenance for your debate to make sure it lasts every bit long every bit possible.

For wood fences, this ofttimes includes staining and sealing annually or every other year. Vinyl fences may simply demand to be washed off with a hose.

Maintaining your contend may as well hateful making careful choices about landscaping (growing vines on a fence may damage it) and checking your fence for damage regularly. By making small repairs when needed, y'all tin extend the life of your fence so yous don't need to supplant it.

Need a replacement fence in Due west Chester, PA or the greater Philadelphia area?

The Fence Authority has you lot covered with a full inventory of wood, vinyl, and aluminum fences and a team of installation experts.

If it's time for a alter, stop by one of our locations in Montgomeryville, PA, Westward Chester, PA, or Smyrna, DE, or contact us today nearly your replacement fence!


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