
How To Repair A Guitar Neck

A correctly adjusted cervix is essential for a guitar to play and audio its best, just one of the most basic and still terrifying parts of a guitar setup is adjusting the truss rod in the neck of the guitar.

We've all heard stories of a half turn too far resulting in a neck exploding in splinters. Despite these (mostly) exaggerated stories, the cervix adjustment on a guitar is simple, like shooting fish in a barrel, and tin can be performed by any skill level of player. Follow forth every bit we swoop into the correct manner to adjust the truss rod in the neck of your electrical or audio-visual guitar.

What is the Purpose of the Truss Rod?

At that place are two important aspects to the function of a guitar. These are the neck angle which describes the angle at which the cervix is attached to the body, and the neck relief which describes the amount of 'bow' or 'relief' in the neck itself.

Cervix Bending: the angle at which the neck is joined to the body

The Truss Rod performs two important functions. One is to provide structural support, strengthening the cervix and providing boosted pressure to counter the pull of all the strings at total tension. The second is to arrange the corporeality of bow or relief that is in the neck for the best sounding and playing guitar.

Some truss rods are not adjustable and only provide structural back up. In these guitars, the correct amount of relief is either carved into the cervix itself or accomplished through conscientious sanding and leveling of the frets.

[RELATED: Should I Detune My Guitar After I Play It?]

In most guitars, the cervix angle is fix at the factory and should be right from the start. Unless a guitar is older, or vintage, the neck bending should be (and is virtually likely) within expected specs. If you lot believe the cervix of the guitar may be at the wrong angle, bring your guitar to a qualified tech before adjusting the truss rod.

This leaves us with the neck relief adjustment. This is what we'll exist diving into in this article.

What is Neck Relief?

Imagine that the neck of the guitar is perfectly apartment like the picture below. This neck has no relief or bow in it. A perfectly straight neck like this is rarely the correct position.

Now take a look at the neck below. This neck has a bow or relief in it, dipping in the middle, offering more distance between the frets and the strings. We'll address why you'd desire this beneath.

Finally, this is a neck that is dorsum bowed, or has negative relief. This is an incorrect position for a neck, which should never be fix by the perfectly level configuration. Tightening a truss rod also much will result in this condition and ultimately result in a failure of the truss rod or the wood of the neck. Read this as a alert: if you tighten the neck too much information technology will break.

Why Practise You Want Relief in the Guitar Neck?

As we can run into from the diagrams above, increased neck relief increases the altitude betwixt the strings and the top of the frets. Why would you desire this? Doesn't lower string action brand for a improve playing guitar? Not exactly.

Cervix relief plays an important part in increasing the distance between the bottom of the strings and the top of the frets while notes are being fretted. For example, fretting a string on the 12th fret results in the string being incredibly close to the 13th fret. If this distance is too close, unwanted harmonics, metallic fret fizz, or completely high-strung out or dead notes tin result.

Adding a small amount of neck relief increases this distance so that strings, while fretted, don't touch any other frets between the note being fretted and the bridge. The right amount of relief on a good fretboard will result in clean notes without fret buzz across the entire cervix.

As a string vibrates its path make an elliptical movement. This curving of the string from its directly position at residuum requires the neck to besides exhibit a similar bend in gild to stay out of the way of the vibrating string.

The 2d effect of neck relief is playability. While a flatter neck oft results in lower string action, this can consequence in a tight or stiff feel, peculiarly if you are bending strings. Introducing more cord action allows the fingers to "get under" the string, or grab the string in a comfortable manner for a bend. Of form, too much relief and the strings will be likewise far from the frets resulting in a guitar that is difficult to play fast lines and may take additional tuning and intonation problems.

How to Measure out Neck Relief?

To measure the neck relief of your guitar, you lot'll need a set of feeler gauges, and 3 hands. Or a capo if you take less than three hands.

[Related Article: Best Capos for Guitar]

Feeler Guess Set up

My Feeler Gauges of Choice

Great set up of gauges for guitar maintenance and repair. You tin gap your spark plugs with them likewise!

The relief of the neck is measured by holding the biggest (sixth) string at the first fret and the 19th fret. Then mensurate the altitude between the bottom of the string and the top of the fret at the 7th or 8th fret using a feeler judge.

The idea is to create a straight edge out of the bottom of the lowest cord and measure out at the indicate of greatest neck relief, or at the bottom of the neck's bow.

Why practice nosotros utilize the 19th fret with the seventh or 8th equally the middle point? Let'due south take a await at both a Gibson ES-335 with a calibration length of 24 3/4″ and a Fender Strat with a scale length of 25 1/2″.

From the 1st fret to the 18th fret measures xiv.5″ on the Gibson'due south 24 3/four″ scale. Remember we have a capo at the 1st fret and we're pressing the 19th, therefore we're measuring from the 1st to the 18th.

Exactly halfway is seven.25″ which is exactly between the 7th and eighth frets. Theoretically, this should be the lowest point of our neck's arc when relief is added. I decided to test this by putting an excess amount of relief in the cervix and measuring the distance between the top of the fret and the string for every fret. These values came out to be:

Fret Number Distance From Fret to Cord
2 .004″
iii .006″
4 .007″
five .010″
6 .011″
7 .012″
eight .012″
9 .011″
10 .010″
11 .009″
12 .007″
13 .006″
xiv .005″
15 .003″
16 .003″
17 .002″

This is a brand new guitar and the data shows a consistency in the neck relief and fret evenness yous'd look from a brand new guitar. Virtually chiefly, the bottom of the arc or the place with the largest relief occurs at the 7th and 8th fret. This matches our measurements which puts the center of the measured distance (1st to 18th fret) exactly between the 7th and 8th fret.

Now let'due south check the 25 1/2″ calibration of the Fender Strat. Hither nosotros measure again from the 1st fret to the 18th which gives u.s.a. xv″. Half of that is 7.5″ and again we encounter that this bespeak falls exactly between the seventh and 8th frets.

So should you use the seventh or eighth fret to measure neck relief? For these guitars, it doesn't actually matter as long every bit you're consistent. I use the seventh fret, and I accept seen this used by many guitar makers.

If you want to ensure you're measuring in the correct spot, conduct the experiment I did above to decide the everyman part of the relief arc in the cervix of your guitar.

Sighting downward the neck

A valuable skill is being able to sight down the edge of the guitar neck to pick up on whatever bowing action that is occurring. This isn't as accurate as measuring the activeness with a feeler gauge, but it does allow for quick diagnosing and can unveil some unexpected or subtle twisting in the neck.

Brand certain you lot're in a well lit area. Hold the guitar with the body resting on your workbench and the headstock in your hand. Position your head at the end of the headstock and so that yous can look downwardly the edge of the fretboard.

This allows usa to detect at a quick glance if any bow exists and to what extent.

Aligning your eye a fleck lower will give you lot a adept view of what the neck is doing

Measuring With a Feeler Judge

How do y'all measure with a feeler guess? It may not be immediately obvious, how feeler gauges work.

A feeler gauge is used to mensurate the altitude between things that are very close together. Instead of using a comically pocket-sized ruler, we use different thicknesses of steel. A set of feeler gauges has a broad variety of sizes.

As described to a higher place, identify a capo on the first fret of the guitar and hold the low E string at the 19th fret. Using a feeler gauge, (.010″ is a good starting point) stick the thin piece of metallic between the string and the 7th or 8th fret. The gauge should touch both the fret and the bottom of the string, only shouldn't motility the string upward at all. Look very carefully at the string while you do this to make sure it isn't moving when you lot identify the feeler gauge under information technology.

Which feeler gauge was the perfect fit? Whatever the thickness of that gauge is, that is the relief of your guitar cervix.

Guitar Neck Relief Chart by Guitar Model

As described in Correctly Conform Pickup Peak, the values in the chart beneath are a expert starting point for the truss rod aligning and don't necessarily correspond the nigh playable setting. Utilise this every bit a reference, simply remember that all guitars need to be prepare for playability (using the steps below).

Guitar Blazon Cervix Relief Measurement
Fender Electric .010″ to .012″
Fender Audio-visual .010″ to .012″
Fender Bass .012″ to .014″
Squier Electric .010″ to .012″
Charvel .007″ to .008″
Jackson .007″ to .008″
Gretsch Electric .008″
Gretsch Acoustic .010″ to .012″
Guild Electric .006″ to .008″
Guild Acoustic .006″ to .008″
Martin Acoustic .004″ to .010″
Gibson Electric .006″ to .012″
Gibson Audio-visual .008″ to .012″

Use these figures as a reference and don't captivate also much about hit these specs exactly. They represent a starting betoken simply and all guitars need to be adjusted for the best audio and playability and not measurements or specs.

Truss Rod Aligning Wrench and Tool Nautical chart by Guitar Model

Listed beneath are the types of guitars and the truss rod wrenches needed to arrange them.

Guitar Type Truss Rod Wrench Amazon Link
Fender American Stratocaster (and about American made models) .125″ (i/eighth) Allen wrench Buy Now
Martin Acoustic 5mm (long reach post 2007) Buy Now
Gibson five/16″ nut driver Buy Now
Vintage Fender with Slotted Adjustment at Trunk terminate of Neck Slotted Tool Buy Now

How to Adjust a Truss Rod?

The thought of adjusting a truss rod for many people is a scary one, just it shouldn't be! We're going to be tightening or loosening a metal rod that is in turn moving a wood neck. If you crank downward super difficult on the truss rod, you will harm your guitar. However, make adjustments slowly and deliberately and you won't encounter any issues. You'll know well in advance if a truss rod is getting also tight.

Because we've all heard the horror stories of guitar necks exploding into a cloud of maple splinters and fretwire, there is a foreign rumor that needs to be addressed. You lot hear some people say, "Never turn a truss rod more than ¼ turn a day." Well, this is just non truthful.

If this was the case, no guitar shop/repair facility/or factory could ever get annihilation done. Big truss rod adjustments are done all the time while setting up a guitar. As long as these are washed slowly and carefully, listening for any sound of stress in the neck, in that location is no danger of taking a cervix from back-bowed to bowed in a matter of minutes.

So let's suit the guitar neck correctly. This is how:

  1. Gain admission to truss rod which may be under a small comprehend on the headstock, within the guitar through the soundhole, or even on the guitar body stop of the neck which requires loosening the neck adhere screws and pulling the neck off the guitar (more than on this special example below).
  2. Ensure you have the correct wrench or nut commuter for your guitar. Run across Nautical chart Beneath for Truss Rod Wrenches by guitar type.
  3. First mensurate the neck relief to know if you lot'll exist loosening or tightening the truss rod.
  4. At present accommodate the tension of the rod until the neck is perfectly straight with no relief.
  5. Slowly add relief dorsum into the neck until all notes are clear without fret buzz or any metallic noises.
  6. The guitar should play smoothly across all positions of the neck and should have a similar feel in all positions.

For specifics on how the cervix adjustment fits into the overall guitar setup, cheque out Setup Like a Pro: How to Correctly Setup a Stratocaster.

Don't forget to add back pressure! This is true for anything that gets tightened on a guitar, merely especially for the truss rod. If you are loosening the truss rod, always add a pocket-size corporeality of pressure back into information technology. This ensures that the truss rod won't continue to loosen because of a lack of pressure on the truss rod threads. This same concept can exist practical to tuning keys, bridge set screws, and anything else that has tension on information technology.

Back pressure in action. Always add back force per unit area if you loosen anything, tuners included!

Does a Guitar Cervix Settle?

A guitar neck volition move, changing relief, based on changes in temperature, humidity, tuning, or string judge. Oftentimes, a guitar neck will modify slightly over the couple of days after a neck adjustment has been made. This is normal and should not cause alarm.

After a truss rod adjustment, revisit the guitar everyday and make sure that it nonetheless plays well and more than adjustments are non needed. If you lot have taken your guitar to exist set upward past a tech at a guitar shop, don't hesitate to bring the guitar back if the neck has shifted over a couple days.

This is a neat argument for learning how to exercise all of this setup work yourself. Movement in guitars is inevitable, and the ability to make small adjustments equally this happens is crucial to having guitars that play great.

Double Action vs Single Action?

A single action truss rod merely tightens in one direction. This is from the loose position which allows for relief in the neck to a tightened position which would straighten the neck and eventually produce back-bow.

A double action truss rod tightens in both directions, allowing for the introduction of relief and negative relief (or bow and back-bow). A double action truss rod can exist helpful in the rare consequence that a neck settles into a flat profile even nether full string tension.

How practise I know if my truss rod is unmarried or double action? Unremarkably, single action truss rods are in older guitars, while many newer instruments have double action rods. However this isn't always the case.

To bank check which type your guitar has, simply loosen the truss rod until there is the to the lowest degree amount of tension on it. Requite the rod a couple more than turns and if it is a double action rod you'll experience it showtime to get tight once more. If you don't feel information technology get tight and so STOP! Y'all don't want to unthread the adjustment nut from the truss rod which can happen if you keep loosening it.

Adjusting the Cervix on a Gibson Guitar

All Gibson guitars have a truss rod adjustment nether the truss rod embrace on the headstock. With a small screwdriver, carefully remove this and store in a small-scale container. Using a ¼" nut driver, or the wrench that came with the guitar, tighten or loosen the truss rod based on the needs of the setup.

Adjusting the Neck on a Fender Stratocaster

Mod Fender guitars have the truss rod adjustment at the headstock that tin can be accessed through a small hole. Use the appropriate Allen wrench size from the chart above to brand the adjustment to either tighten or loosen the truss rod.

My American Standard Strat takes a .125″ or i/eight″ inch Allen wrench.

Adjusting the Neck on a Martin Acoustic

Martin acoustic guitars are notoriously tricky to adjust the truss rod simply because the aligning nut is further in the soundhole than nearly acoustics. With the correct Allen wrench, this is a simple job.

Near Allen wrenches are too brusk to achieve and don't provide the leverage needed if you can get it to seat correctly. Save the headache and get the correct wrench for your guitar.

Adjusting the Neck on a Bolt on Neck with no Adjustment in the Headstock

Many vintage instruments, like my 1979 Fender Mustang, take the truss rod adjustment on the body end of the guitar neck. These are just accessible by removing, or greatly loosening the bolts that concord the neck to the guitar.

If you lot have whatever concerns nearly doing this repair piece of work, or have a valuable vintage instrument, don't hesitate to take information technology into a professional person. Because the big screws holding the neck to the guitar body are holding onto wood instead of metal, damage can occur from overuse. If those screws are loosened and tightened likewise many times, their holes will likely need to be filled and re-drilled in social club to maintain a strong neck and body connection.

Here is what this looks similar on my Fender Mustang. Brand sure to fully loosen the strings before loosening the neck screws. Many times at that place are shims under the cervix for a neck to trunk adjustment. Lift the neck direct up out of the cervix pocket so that any shims under the neck don't fall out.

If possible, just perform 1 adjustment to minimize the number of times the neck screws are moved.

Help! My Truss Rod won't budge

A normal truss rod doesn't crave much force to adjust it. Don't creepo down on the truss rod if it isn't moving, this could cause permanent damage.

First brand sure that the strings are completely loose. Now shift the wrench back and forth in very small movements. If the truss rod won't move at all, stop there and accept the guitar to a professional person. They may exist able to work the truss rod complimentary and volition know how much force is possible earlier impairment will occur.

If the truss rod begins to move, continue making small dorsum and forth movements, slowly getting larger and larger until the desired adjustment can exist fabricated.

Once again, if you are at all concerned about this merely take it to a professional who can diagnose the issue without danger of ruining the cervix of your guitar.

Can I arrange the truss rod with strings on the guitar?

For most guitars and with operating truss rods, at that place is zip wrong with making adjustments with the strings on the guitar and at normal tension.

If the truss rod feels tight, or you want to exist extra gentle with a loftier cease or vintage musical instrument, and then take some tension off the strings, but completely loose isn't necessary.

The merely time you must completely loosen the strings is if you have a guitar neck that adjusts from the torso end. If there is tension on the strings while the cervix screws are loosened, impairment can occur to those screws, or the holes in the neck where the screws are seated.

What if my guitar doesn't have a truss rod adjustment?

Some guitars don't have a truss rod adjustment. Most notably, Martin acoustics prior to 1985 didn't have adaptable truss rods.

This doesn't hateful that they don't have truss rods, it merely means that the truss rods they do have are non adjustable. Martin used a steel channel that supported the cervix and kept it relatively directly. And while this worked for many decades, it's not uncommon for vintage acoustics like these to require a neck reset to fix a neck angle that has grown over the years. The increased neck angle is a part of the guitar acme moving every bit well as the neck block and dovetail neck joint, not the truss rod failing.

Some modern, high end guitar makers still apply this method, often employing materials like carbon fiber to ensure the most stable neck possible which creates an musical instrument that is much less susceptible to temperature and humidity changes.

Check out this McPherson that utilizes a carbon cobweb, non-adjustable truss rod. These guitars are built like tanks and ring like a grand piano.

Can adjusting the truss rod break the guitar neck?

While adjusting the truss rod in the neck of your guitar is incredibly simple, and should exist learned past all skill level of players, if pushed across its limit the truss rod volition either break itself, or the forest surrounding it.

How do y'all know how much is as well much pressure on the truss rod? Never creepo hard on the wrench in your guitar. A properly functioning truss rod will move with medium amount of pressure resisting the adjustment that lets you know y'all are indeed moving the woods neck slightly.

No truss rod will motility hands then suddenly break. Listen to your guitar and ease upwardly if you feel similar you lot're putting too much force on the truss rod. Don't hesitate to have your guitar into a professional person and inquire for help. They tin teach you how to tell how much pressure is OK.

How to Tell if Your Guitar Neck Needs Aligning

Read the full article: How to Tell if Your Guitar Neck Needs Adjustment

You may need to adjust your guitar neck if:

  • Yous feel fret fizz or notes choking out
  • The string action has increased or decreased
  • The guitar has changed climates either hot or common cold, or humid to dry
  • Putting a capo on the guitar causes buzzing
  • The guitar feels tight, and bending strings is hard.

For more info, read the full commodity that covers this topic and the actions necessary for the conditions listed above.


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